A review by northeastbookworm
The Great and Holy War: How World War I Became a Religious Crusade by Philip Jenkins


On the 28th of June 1914 in the Bosnian capitol of Sarajevo a young Serb, Gavrilo Princip, fired a pistol at The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, killing them both. His actions lit a long time primed fuse that led to war. A war that, according to some scholars, did not end until 1945. A war that changed not only Europe, but the entire world as well. A war that is still with us, even today.

Philip Jenkins has written an excellent book on the role that religion played in World War I. Both sides invoked the name of God in championing their cause, both used biblical analogies and loaded medieval words to describe the other. Jenkins goes into detail to describe how and why this was done. With this being the centennial year there are already several very good books on the causes for and the stages of the war. In order to understand some of the emotional and spiritual motivation for the war, make room for this very good book.