A review by everythingbutthebagel69
Lady of Istok by Isabelle Olmo


First, I am so appreciative that I got the opportunity to read an ARC of this. I will scream from the roof tops how INCREDIBLY VITAL it is you read this book.

Enemies to lovers, forced proximity, multi POV, pining, POWER 100% recommend.

Isabelle truly knows how to create such full characters. I cannot remember a series prior to this where I legitimately cared for most every person we meet in the story. I get emotional seeing women represented so fully. Their friendships, flaws, love, softness, strength. Ugh perfection. And the diversity in her stories doesn’t feel forced or token like so many other fantasy novels.

I have been blown away by both books. Hira is such a validating character. She’s emotional, so strong, determined, resilient. While Almira starts off as a dragon, Hira grows into one. And it’s a whole ass amazing journey.

YES IF: you want female representation, growth, a strong FMC, adventure.