A review by beckymmoe
All He Ever Desired by Shannon Stacey


I absolutely loved the first 95% or so of this book...I adored Ryan (how it is possible that each new Kowalski guy is my favorite? It shouldn't be possible, yet it keeps happening), and I really liked Lauren--not a smidge of TSTL-ishness, and almost all of her issues and decisions made total sense to me; and there were funny scenes and humorous dialog galore in this one. Even Mary and Rose's machinations, which in the other books did get to be a bit much, were controlled this time around. We got to see Mitch and Paige get married, which was really sweet, and we find out that Liz has (finally!) dumped the loser she left town to be with and is now a free woman. We even get a hint of where she *might* go with that freedom, if she'd just move back to town (She will get her own book, yes, Ms. Stacey? Please?). All good things. The reason for the four instead of five stars is the last 5% or so of the book. All of a sudden everything got very wham, bam, let's solve all of our problems like they do in those afterschool specials where everything was resolved and neatly boxed up in the final five minutes of airtime-like. It was disconcerting and a bit disappointing, to be honest. Ultimately, though, deserving characters got their HEA, so I'm pleased. I still love this series and can't wait for the next one to come out. I'd even go out on a limb and say I'd be willing to wait a shade longer for longer, more fulfilling books...(subtle-hint). :)