A review by pollyroth
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken


I really enjoyed [a:Alexandra Bracken|2973783|Alexandra Bracken|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1246668771p2/2973783.jpg]'s [b:The Darkest Minds|17074231|The Darkest Minds|Alexandra Bracken|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1368419252s/17074231.jpg|15483434], which is the only reason I had heard, and therefore read, this book. And I am somewhat disapointed with what I got.

Sydelle has always wanted to leave her small, dry town of Cliffton. But she never envisioned leaving everyone she knew behind because a wizard brought the town rain and took her in return. Now she must travel the long journey, with the insufferable wizard no less, to the capital to relay information that could stop a war.

The beginning of this book was so confusing I was sure I had missed a page or so. There was no clear reference to how much time had passed since she left Cliffton, and the author made it sound like it had been months. Sydelle knew all these things about North and wizards and their quest, none of which was explained until the 120th page!

When the beginning is finally over, I started to like the book. Sydelle's stubbornness is admirable, and North obviously started to have deep feelings for her, completely turning my opinion of his character around. And the last twenty pages were so undeniably sweet!

The plot kept moving, there was never much sitting around for North and Sydelle. (He he..) I never truly understood what Dorwan's problem and motive was, but he definitely added excitement to the book.

Overall, better execution in the first 75 pages or so, and this book could really be great.