A review by imzadirose
Party of Three by Sandy Lowe


Received from NetGalley.

I had a hard time deciding what to rate this, I wavered between a 3 and a 4. Since I read the book in one day, I felt it was captivating enough to warrant a 4, though a 3.5 would be the ideal rating.

Party of Three is about three lesbian women who go to a party, who all have their own issues going on. At the party, all three find what they weren't expecting, which at the core was sex, but nothing wrong with a little sex.

The book was written in 3 parts, following each woman and here is where my wavering on ratings came in to play because I liked each section with varying degrees.

Sarah - Sarah had my favorite story, I liked her the most of the 3 ladies. I felt like we got to learn the most about her. I felt for her and could understand her and I liked that she found herself again and found some happiness. I'd rate Sarah's section a 4.

Avery - Avery's story was my second favorite. It felt a bit rushed, with the other things going on during the section. I felt like I didn't get to know Avery as much and didn't relate to her all that much. The story was cute though the role playing felt a little silly, but that's probably just me. I'd rate Avery's section a 3.

Kaitlyn - I didn't like Kaitlyn. I didn't like her story, her encounter, her personality... nothing. I couldn't relate to her at all. I found myself wanting to skip through her section and I had to keep going back and making myself read it. Kaitlyn was a bit of a bitch, hot then cold, dominant then submissive. She was all over the place and I just couldn't get behind her as a character. I'd rather Kaitlyn's section a 2.5.

Beyond the three stories, the under lining story was funny and I like what they pulled off. That was great. My only beef with the story was the use of "endearments". Not everyone uses a term of endearment, so seeing it so much and in EACH section was a bit much. It sat the wrong way with me. And they were all different too: honey, baby & love - one section each. One was the main character saying it, the other two were said to the main character. Just was overkill / too much.

But the book was super engaging, I didn't put it down much and read in one sitting. It was enjoyable and the sex was a bit tame but pretty hot. It was fun, well worth the read, I'm just picky.