A review by squishies
Changes by Mercedes Lackey


2.5 stars

This instalment felt a little stale for me and I think it's because half of the book seems like it's rehashing how unreasonable Bear's family / brother is and how much Lena is a watering pot showing how big of a douchebag Lena's dad can be.

We get it... their families are a little on a shitty side, but happily both Lena and Bear grows more of a backbone in this book. Thank god. We can finally drop this story line.

Definitely more on the interesting side is Nikolas' tutelage and what they find out.

SpoilerNot fully convinced by the attraction between Mags and Amily. Also, her character is kind of flat and boring.

I've forgotten to mention that there's a lot of food descriptions in this series... Sometimes a bit too much, which made me hungry.