A review by laura_reads_stuff
A Trick of the Mind by Penny Hancock


The plot appealed - a woman driving along a road hits a bump. Distracted by excitement about her future, she ignores it. However, later, she hears about a hit and run on the same road she was driving along. Doubt and guilt drive her to strange situations.

However, to me, the book goes downhill from there on. There becomes too much of a focus on "romance". Ellie, the protagonist, I originally found interesting as the way she thought was unique to other novels I had read. Plus her relationships with her friends and family were interesting, but these links were mostly abandoned until the final few pages of the book. Ellie also became weak and arguably pathetic until the very end, too.

The plot improved with a twist and links being made in the final section of the book, but overall it wasn't what I hoped it would be.

Good, enjoyable at times, but not what it could've been.