A review by duchess
Victory Conditions by Elizabeth Moon


Why did I read all 5 books in this series to not even get a properly explained ending?!?! There are 0 reasons given for why Turek or Lew Parmina did any of the things they did besides YOLO I guess???? There is absolutely no way Moon can convince me that via Osman they laid down a years-long plot to undo the Vattas & the system of human worlds.
When Rafe had Lew Parmina killed at the start of this book & said he didn't need an explanation for his actions, I was flabbergasted. YES! I NEED AN EXPLANATION! I love books that show and not tell, but you don't just hand-wave a villain's motivations away!!! WTF

I guess I'm just incredibly frustrated by this book. Vatta's Peace is a new expansion to this universe and, because my curiosity is overwhelming and I clearly hate myself, I'm interested to read it if only to see if somehow, maybe, the intervening years will have improved the writing.