A review by abigailharder
Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere


I really wanted like this book, I really did but I just could not get into this book at all. The one thing that I did enjoy about this novel was getting to see the detailed interworking’s of a telegraph office, but that was it. It wasn’t even content that made me disconnect, it was the charcters.

I did not like the main characters at all. They both were super infurrairating and I just could not connect with them at all. Alice was a sweet woman but her whole attitude of “I don’t need a man” and “I don’t ever want to get married” really got on my nerves because it was too feminist for this time era. Also when she started reading that silly book, she started playing with men’s emotions and it was trickery and deceit. Alice also got on my nerves because she got all blushful and like any other girl around Douglas, even though she was so hard pressed on not ever falling in love. I just couldn’t help but roll my eyes. I know that it was suppose to be character develop of her slowly changing her mind about romance because of Douglas but Douglas is a whole other story, plus I felt like the way that she does eventually fall in love is rather ridicuouls and rather chessy.

Honestly Douglas infuriated me in more ways than Alice did. I know that his character was more realistic towards this time era but still I just could not with him. I know he eventually turns around but I still could not get myself to like him.

These honestly are just my opinions about this book, I know plenty of people who love it, I just could not get myself to enjoy it. Characters are a huge thing for me and when I can’t connect to a character, the book usually isn’t going to be for me.

*FTC: I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.*