A review by katewutz
Half-Blown Rose by Leesa Cross-Smith


This book…I loved it. It’s a coincidence that I read two books about women who love two men in a week, and they were so different—More Than You’ll Ever Know being true crime and thriller-y and this one being a love letter to love itself. Leesa Cross-Smith understands that there doesn’t need to be a murder to make this sort of story a tragedy; someone is going to get hurt, there’s going to be heartbreak and loss, no matter what.

One odd thing: I wasn’t sure why the screenplay conceit in parts of it. Probably it underlines the French cinema theme, but honestly parts of it felt like she just formatted the text differently rather than changing writing styles. But overall I liked the pastiche effect of narrative, screenplay, emails and playlists (which I will now be stalking Spotify for).