A review by nicki_theoverflowingbookcase
Faked by Karla Sorensen


What starts out as a way to get closer to the man she has had a crush on forever, Claire agrees to attend a charity function as her twin sister Lia. But when Finn is to sick to attend his step brother Bauer takes his place. Although she fooled the rest of his family, Bauer instantly new that she was Claire and not Lia, but the black sheep of the family kept her rouse and went along with it although he was to expecting the connection he feels to her. Will the connection they both feel be enough to start a relationship? Or can you really start a relationship based on a lie? I fell in love with bad-boy Bauer from the minute he walked into the book and felt he was the perfect man for Claire. The emotional baggage that they both work through touched my heart strings. Once yuo start this book you will not be able to put it down. I cannot wait to see where Karla Sorensen takes us with Lia's story.