A review by nooralshanti
The Crimson Queen by Alec Hutson

I'm throwing in the towel. It was a huge struggle for me to get through the first few chapters - I think I got through 4 of them - but I just can't find anything to interest me in this story. And it's such a shame, because Alec Hutson's story in the Lost Lore Anthology was excellent and gripping right from the start.

There are a few issues with this one, not least among them all the info-dump and the confused jumble of terms and names and geographic locations and titles. Packing in a thousand different details is not, in my opinion, how you do world-building.

I also just didn't see a reason to care about any of the characters. We start off with a kid being bullied who just watched everything without showing any inner thoughts or emotions about any of it. And then suddenly jump to a palace where an uninteresting discussion between a monarch and some messengers is taking place. There may or may not have been other characters I erased from my memory in between.

Anyway, it might be for someone else, but it's just not working for me right now.