A review by librarianlayla
Maya and the Return of the Godlings by Rena Barron


I received an eARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, I'd like to say a huge thank you to Rena and her publishing team for selecting me to be one of the early readers.

Maya returns in this action packed sequel with Eli and Frankie by her side to save the day. New characters are introduced that really compliment the dynamics of the group and I cannot wait to see how it will all play out in the next book.

I greatly enjoy Rena's storytelling and the way that she weaves words to paint these rich, varying worlds and their inhabitants. She brings so many different aspects and melds them beautifully together.

For those who love dark, twisting, adventure driven middle grade books that are steeped deep in mythology and magic - this is definitely for you.