A review by mabagalmagbasa
The Best of This is A Crazy Planets 2 by Lourd Ernest H. de Veyra


#8 of 50: A non-fiction book

Things I've learned after reading this book:
1. Trivia about Philippine (and sometimes world) history and literature
2. Facts about Philippine cinema, and the entertainment industry in general
3. Some stuff about Philippine politics and politicians
4. Words I will never actually use in normal conversations (e.g. porcine, recherché, schmancy, phantasmagorically, etc.)
5. How to spell Filipino words in Spanish (which is just basically changing "k" to "c," "ya" to "ia" etc.)
6. I'm not the only person who has not, and will never, read/watch the Twilight series.
7. de Veyra and I share the same sentiment about people who take photos of Every. Single. Food. they are about to eat (Like, seriously, it's annoying.)
8. I need to read This Is A Crazy Planets Book 1
9. Lists are always a stupid and lazy way to meet a deadline (in my case, to write a review)
10. This is indeed a crazy planet.

And P.S: My favorite article was 15 Ways To Spice Up the Impeachment Trial. It was so on point.