A review by wildlyminiaturesandwich
The Rule of Many by Leslie Saunders, Ashley Saunders


NOTE: I received a complimentary eARC of this book from Skyscape through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

After reading The Rule of One and not really liking it, I didn’t have very high hopes for The Rule of Many but I’m happy to say I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the second book FAR more than the first.


I found The Rule of One to be very slow, to the point of being boring most of the time, way too preachy, and a little confusing to figure out who’s point of view it was most of the time because Mira and Ava’s personalities were way too similar. However, almost all those issues were washed away with the second book.

The Rule of Many was action-packed pretty much from start to finish with very little downtime between but also just enough to give you those small heartfelt moments when they were really needed, there was no hint of the previous books constant preachiness that were obviously aimed at today’s current political climate, and Mira and Ava’s characters evolved beyond each other to become two unique and fierce individuals. I also loved the added chapters from other characters points of view as well, it gave us points of views from different areas instead of just being focused on wherever Mira and Ava were and really broke up the monotony that happened with the first book of only going back and forth between Mira and Ava playing the same scene over again from each sister’s point of view.

It was so nice to finally find a book that didn’t suffer from sequelitis but that actually had the complete opposite outcome and was better than the first book! It gives me hope that the third will be even better!