A review by scoutmomskf
The Cowboy SEAL's Christmas Baby by Laura Marie Altom


Very good book that had me hooked from the first page to the last. Gideon was surprised to find a woman who had just given birth in the middle of a snowstorm. To make matters worse, she had no idea who she was or how she got there. To top it all off, the horse he was riding was spooked by the storm and ran off, leaving them to make their way out on foot. I was on the edge of my seat as I followed their journey off the mountain, to where Gideon could call for help.

I liked both Gideon and Jane. Jane's fear when she couldn't remember anything about herself was clear, but she did a good job of trying to keep a brave face. She had a terrific sense of humor and used it to hold her fears at bay. I loved her determination to make the best of things until her memory returned. Gideon was a man who I wanted to hug and to smack, frequently at the same time. I ached for all that he had lost and wanted him to stop taking it out on everyone else.

I enjoyed the development of Gideon and Jane's relationship. Though Gideon tried to stay away from her, his protective instincts kicked in when he found out that she had nowhere to go. It was sweet to see him shopping for her and baby Chip, and making a place for them in his house. There were some very adorable scenes of him with the baby. He was also very attracted to Jane but resists that attraction. His ex-wife had done a number on him when she rejected him after his injury, and now he feels like he isn't a whole man. His pride won't let him risk another rejection, and he is frequently rude and mean when he feels himself getting too close. Jane initially tries to resist the feelings that she develops for Gideon. Without her memory, she can't be sure that she isn't married, though eventually bits of returning memories convince her she is safe on that score. I loved how she did her best to take care of him, especially feeding his sweet tooth. It amazed me that she didn't hit him with a frying pan on those occasions when he was so horribly rude.

I loved seeing the three of them start to form a sweet little family unit. It was obvious that Gideon loved both Jane and Chip, but he let his fears win. It didn't take long for Jane to fall hard for Gideon, especially when she would see him with Chip. As her memories started to return, she kept quiet, not wanting to ruin what they had. I ached for her when it all came out. Gideon's reaction was pretty extreme, thanks to fear and hurt pride. I loved Jane's solution. I loved Gideon's "aha" moment and how he exposed his vulnerability. Jane's reaction was perfect. The epilogue was good, though I was a little disturbed by her "family" comment. It was fun to see the role reversal.

I also liked the secondary characters. Mrs. Gentry was a trip with the way she treated Gideon. I loved that she didn't put up with his attitude very often. I also enjoyed the way she pulled Jane and Chip into her heart also. I especially enjoyed her part in bringing Gideon and Jane back together. I also liked West and Sherrie. They were excellent friends to Gideon. I loved that West also didn't pull punches when he talked to Gideon. The relationship between West and Sherrie was great, and I enjoyed their banter regarding their professional relationship.