A review by mariettula
Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


4.25 televangelistic stars

This one was a lot better than its predecessor. We first hear about Gabe, our hero, in [b:Nobody's Baby But Mine|73080|Nobody's Baby But Mine (Chicago Stars, #3)|Susan Elizabeth Phillips|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1298032580l/73080._SY75_.jpg|776136], though we never properly meet him. Same for Rachel, though she is only mentioned as the "Widow Snopes", the widow of the charlatan televangelist who almost broke the small town of Salvation by taking all their money, claiming to be a faith healer and trying to flee the country before crashing his airplane.

Snopes left behind Rachel, a girl 18 years his junior and his wife, along with his baby son. Rachel, having been disabused of her illusions about faith and love from her psycho husband, is desperately surviving day-by-day trying to take care of her son. By chance, her car breaks down when she meets our hero, Gabe.

Gabe has his own demons. His wife and kid died two years ago in a car accident and he has been a shadow ever since. Battling suicidal thoughts and depression, he is just plain lost when he meets Rachel. While they don't get off on a terrific start, they do manage to start opening up.

Each of them needs support from the other and they throw each other much needed life lines. It was very interesting to see how Gabe struggled to even look at Rachel's son, due to his hurt from losing his own. It also made me want to hug Rachel the way all these people in Salvation shunned her.

While the ending was a bit all over the place, I did like this book in general. I also enjoyed Ethan and Kristy's side story.