A review by yourwordsmyink
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan


Read the full review at www.yourwordsmyink.com

Let me start off by saying that this is the best book of 2018, hands down. We got a lesbian love story without any of the usual tired tropes. The love between Lei and Wren happens so naturally, so beautifully, I fell in love with Wren along with Lei. I talk more about the characters in my full review, but I just want to compliment Ngan on how beautifully detailed and fleshed out all of the characters were, even those we didn't get to see very often. 

The whole setting of the book is beautiful as well. The Asian setting isn't done a lot in fantasy, but it definitely works. Ngan painted such vivid pictures of Lei experiencing her surroundings I could almost see and smell Ikhara myself. The pacing was solid and there was always something going on. The action scenes were beautifully crafted and easy to follow. 

The book raises awareness of a lot of modern issues as well, such as slavery, abuse and rape. Lei most certainly does not have an easy life, as most women do, and I love the fact that the book does not shy away from harsh topics.