A review by dlparrott
Tonic by Staci Hart


Staci Hart is a phenomenal author. She has never let me as a reader down. She writes in a way that her storyline plays like a movie in your mind. You have who would play the main characters, and because of that you get extremely attached. Staci Hart writes realistic sistiations, emotions, and characters. How the characters interact with each other is so realistic. No 2 of her books are alike which that right there is the selling point for me.
This book is about Joel and Annika. Joel is a sexy, tattooed, hairy man, who just so happens to own a tattoo palor. I love sexy hairy men. If they have tattoos its even better. He is the fire in this book, Annika she is the ice. You can totally understand why she is cold, she kind of has to be in her job. She is sassy, persistant, strong and she is the most beautiful woman Joel ahs ever meet. Annika and Joel have this push pull relationship from the start. I instantly connected with them both from page one.
I felt so many emotions with this book. I was routing for their hot and cold relationship, and i was disappointed.
I recommend this book, well all of Staci Hart's books actually. You will be a fan for life.