A review by avereads
Out Behind the Barn by Chad Lutzke, John Boden


“The boys crept to the window and watched as Miss Maggie carried the long bundle into the barn, the weight of it stooping her aging back. Rafter lights spilled from the barn doors and Davey saw an arm fall from the canvas-wrapped parcel. He smiled.
‘She got someone!’
Both children grinned and settled in their beds, eyes fixed to the ceiling.
This was family growth.”

Out Behind the Barn was original and creepy and I absolutely loved it. I won’t go into plot details since it is a novella and a lot goes on in the 100 page count. I do want to take this time though to say how much I enjoy novellas. It’s one of the best feelings to sit down with a nice glass of iced tea out in the sun and being able to finish what you’re reading by the time you need a refill. And that’s the perfect way to read this book, out in the sun while it’s setting. I had a very spiritual moment if you can’t tell. I also want to applaud authors who can create such depth and connections in such little time (which is definitely what John Boden and Chad Lutzke do here). I think both the authors work so beautifully together to create such an amazing story, this is my first Boden and I will definitely be keeping my eye out for more of his work.

This is a story that will stick with you and I don’t want to say too much more because I think this is the type where you should know nothing about it going in, but I promise it will be worth it. For sure going to be a book I lend to friends in the future.