A review by cdjdhj
Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison


I liked this book. It is a well-written and readable autobiography of John Elder Robinson who grew up in a highly dysfunctional family but went on to make his way in life despite not understanding that his own idiosyncrasies were due to Asperger's Syndrome. Robinson felt odd and out of place his whole life until a psychologist friend diagnosed him with Asperger's at age 40. His story is straight-forward and to the point and describes how he escaped his drug and alcohol addled parents and became successful in his own right, only to eventually make peace with his parents, his past and his Asperger's. There is some language but it is not distracting, and is very limited. I didn't expect to like this book as much as I did, but ended up reading it in just a few days. Recommended for anyone who knows or works with dysfunctional families or someone with Asperger's Syndrome.