A review by karentje
Forbidden Promises by Synithia Williams


A forbidden love story with all the emotional anxiety and guilt trips that entails, but happily also with a love so strong and true that it’s worth risking it all. My favorite Synithia Williams romance to date, no question about it. This is a beautifully written story, the pacing spot on and the characters, main and secondary, three-dimensional and nuanced.

India is a wonderful character, with the biggest heart, and I think that’s what made her an excellent choice for starting the series with. Getting to know her siblings through her eyes was a great way to get to see below the surface with Elaina and Byron and see glimpses of who they are, if not just an aloof career-driven businesswoman and a savvy politician on the rise. India is completely torn about her feelings for Travis, but their connection is incredible, seemingly effortless and yet undeniable. I loved them together. Her reservations about their relationship are real though, and not easily overcome. I love India for her dedication to her family, even if she’s a bit too willing to sacrifice her own happiness at times.

I’m completely in love with Travis, he’s such a wonderful character! A bit oblivious at first to India’s true feelings for him, but he redeems himself quickly and I just adore him for doing what is right, even when the fall-out hurts him deeply or leads him into danger. He is so fair and understanding, a good friend, a good son even when his parents treat him shabbily, a good ex… and utterly swoon-worthy in his determination to fight for India and the love they share.

I loved Forbidden Promises! And I’m so invested in all three siblings now, and even their cousin, Ashiya, so if this could be the first in a series of four that would be awesome. I’m especially rooting for Elaina, she needs someone to see how deeply she feels under all that armor she wears. Fingers crossed!