A review by hpstrangelove
Surrender by Eric Alan Westfall


This was an amazing story, especially if you like dark!fics (and it is very dark - please mind the warnings and don't read if any of that might squick you).

From the beginning, the story sucked me in. The author grabs your heart and squeezes it painfully, having a plot twist that reveals the significance of the title. I've started going through it a second time to pick up on details that I missed or that didn't seem important at first.

It is definitely not a HEA or HFN, but somehow, along with a feeling of despair, there is also a sense of hope. The writing is excellent and the universe is well crafted; there is so much potential for a sequel, prequel, side-stories, etc. I look forward to reading more by this author.

This story is a free read but is far, far better than many m/m ebooks I've spent (wasted) good money on. I know I will be thinking about this story for a long time to come.