A review by samiam10
Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy by Joseph Mercola, Roli, Iota


Excellent Book on Keto styled diets and the effect they have on the body. The author calls his variation of the diet by an acronym since it purports to focus on mitochondrial activity but it is primarily a Keto diet. Much solid information with references and presented with the scientific information intact, not written at the Post Graduate level, but not written at the overly simplistic level that many seem to use when writing a mass media book. I have read at least 50 books on similar information, and I think this one does the best job of pulling it all together. There are a few statements made that I will want to read more on before using the data personally, but overall I am highly impressed. I do recommend buying the paper copy due to the fact that the reader will almost certainly want to have the ability to markup sections, extract information for notes etc. The Kindle version just wasn't adequate for this. Recommended