A review by milkteajeon
Pulse by Patrick Carman


This book sounds interesting. I’ve had lots of good experiences with books that have telekinesis. Yeah. But not this one. The fact that the telekinesis only came in % into the book may have something to do with that. And the fact that Faith was so busy staring at Wade with adoration and deciding whether her jeans looked good that she didn’t really seem to notice anything else.

“Compulsively readable, with thrilling action scenes and a tender love story.”

I’m not completely sure why I even kept reading this book. Maybe because I wanted to know whether Faith would ever become smart enough to realised that Wade is a total creep. Or maybe because I liked Hawk and his adorable geekiness. So yes the book was probably compulsively readable.

But it did not have “thrilling action scenes and a tender love story.”

It is not tender when the guy Faith is in love with takes her to a secluded part of the school that is off-limits and crawling with these freaky Drifters that are supposedly dangerous. 35% into the book I still don’t understand what they are. Not only does he take her freaking go-karting in a hallway, he also gives her a Wire Code which is the equivalent to a drug/date-rape-thing. Then he gives her another one.

I think Patrick Carman thought it might be cool to just add 45% in “Hey, this is Dylan, you know, the guy who’s been watching you sleep. Just to let you know, you can move stuff with your mind and I also like you.”

Faith is the stupidest heroine I’ve ever read about. No, really. She thought that it might have been a good idea just to climb up the side of a building with a guy who 1. Is creepy and 2. Watches her in her sleep. And this is after the other guy who took her an isolated place then gave her a drug. When her best friend Liz tries to prevent her from going with Wade the first time, Faith passes her off as “needy” and “moody,” and that it’s “suffocating,” when in fact Liz has been none of these during the first 20% of the book.

And the plot. I just don’t understand. Only half way through the book do we actually learn about the Pulse, and that’s only after Dylan practically forces Faith into a date. Actually no, he got her to climb up the building and surprise, candles and dinner. But even then Faith has a massive freak out that Dylan put something in her water so that he can take advantage of her. Her amazing idea to get away is to jump off the building. Good job, Faith. Then again I’m not entirely sure what happened because half the descriptions were either totally pointless or just plain misleading.

What happens after that? I don’t know because Pulse was a DNF for me. If you read the book, good luck.