A review by _camk_
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow


I shall be honest before I even begin this review that I only read Reckoning to know what happens. I did the same with the third and fourth book so naturally I had set myself up for disappointment and disappointment is pretty much what I got.

Five books later and some of the questions were not even answered. New questions were formed and were also left unanswered which is a cause irritation.
It feels like St. Crow has finished a series on Sergej but not on Dru. Maybe that's the plan, to write a new set of series on Dru, I don't know.

Dru in Reckoning has bloomed yet she seems more helpless and whiny than ever. Be it, towards the books climax, her badassery does return, thankfully.

We do learn, however, a little more about Dru, Christophe and Graves and their back stories. Not much but it's something. Speaking of the three, the love triangles carries on and St. Crow just wrote the easy way out of any love triangle which annoyed me.

Overall, I'm glad the Strange Angels series is over because I know if she brought out more I'd be compelled to read them even though I won't enjoy it.