A review by l_spade
Renegade by Céline Glaude, Céline Glaude



I enjoy all genres of novels, and Sci-fi is no exception. This short science fiction novella was entertaining from beginning to end. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t a bit confused as one of our female MCs being called sir in the beginning, but it wasn’t something that didn’t pass quickly.

Adalia and Zimah have amusing personalities that complement one another well. While they have similarities, you can see each of their niches and idiosyncrasies. They’re both strong, honest characters. Delfo makes a great secondary character and the three meld well together in the impromptu team they form.

The novella has political aspects, and that serves to add to the story. There are planets being inducted into the Federation, but as always with political storylines, there are groups who do not like what’s going on. I wouldn’t call them radical, but they make their presence known.
The relationship I see forming between Adalia and Zimah is nice. It was slid in perfectly and doesn’t take from the overall storyline.

There were a few places where phrases were repeated one after another, which was probably just missed in editing. The entire novel was written very formally, but it got across the type of story the author was trying to portray. Some of the sentence structures were a bit off or out of place but it wasn’t quite enough to take away from the story for me.

I do wish it was a little as it seemed a bit rushed, but it was enjoyable. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

If you don’t mind continual formal text and enjoy science fiction, you may want to give this little novella a shot.