A review by rachelstopreads
A Duke for All Seasons by Fenna Edgewood


Murder! Betrayal! Trauma! Spice! Sister bonds! Emotionally supportive men! Consent and boundaries! Mystery!

Once again, Fenna Edgewood has sucked me into this world where the women of the 1700s are mistreated by the horrible patriarchy and a handful of wonderful men stand up for and empower them (in the limited ways that the 1700s allowed.)

Although most of Fenna’s books have had the disturbing mystery of The Black Lodge in the backstory, A Duke For All Seasons brings all of the implied horrors to the forefront and focuses on one of the victims, Maggie, and her trauma and healing.

This was a delicate topic to write about (see CWs below) but I think Fenna approached it well with a focus on consent and boundaries while allowing trauma victims to heal. There was some spice of course (and PHEW was it some good spice) but due to the nature of Maggie’s trauma, it was a slower build to the spice. I absolutely loved how she wrote it! If only all men were like Fenna Edgewood’s male leads.

Also in this book, Lance (the male lead) must learn his role in helping Maggie to heal while respecting her triggers and boundaries. It’s a great perspective from those of us whose loved ones have suffered and who feel helpless to do anything but be there for them.

Please look at my content warnings if you have any triggers

Side note: I LOVED seeing characters from the past books including the (1) adorably brave and (2) morally gray men from the past two books.

- Love at first sight (kind of)
- Age gap
- Marriage of convenience
- Helping with healing/recovery
- Separated sisters
- Rags to Riches
- Protector Hero

- R*pe survivors / recovery
- Childhood polio survivor

Content warnings
- domestic ab*se
- Sexual assault/r*pe
- Human tr*fficking
- Child tr*fficking (mentioned)
- Murder
- Animal ab*se