A review by narmaeth
Alien Passion by Hannah Haze


Fluffy continues to be the only one with a braincell.

I predicted this would happen and, surprise surprise, it does.

Tor treats Emma like a lower being, not an equal. He learned nothing from the previous book. He repeatedly refuses to include her in conversations in other languages. He ignores her when she insists on a translation chip.

The biggest offense really is that he happily tells his father about Earth and the potential for more Omegas. It goes to show he doesn't see humans as equal beings, just another resource to take for their own benefit. At no point does he think "do these people want to be taken from their homes and lives?"
He's also incredibly fucking naive, it's astounding. How did he survive so long at court when he's dumber than a rock.

I'm also horrified at how his mother is portrayed. 18% in and she's yet to have any dialogue, even though she has a presence. She acts more like an abuse victim and it's hard to see how Tor loves her when he treats her no better than a servant.

DNF'd at 28%, this book and world is infuriating.