A review by linesuponapage
From the Corner of the Oval by Beck Dorey-Stein


It's 2011. Rebecca "Beck" Dorey=Stein was a woman without a full-time job, that is until she saw a post on Craigslist for a Stenographer's job. Come to find out they were hiring for the Stenographer pool that follows the most powerful man in the United States of America-- President Barack Obama.

Many wacky things happen to Beck while traveling with the WH Press. She meets some of the most powerful people in politics and because she is such an extrovert gets herself in some jams that most people don't seem to mind. The book is fast-paced like a sprint through the halls of the underground Whitehouse corridors. There is a lot of relationship building, political highlights, and name dropping in this book. I found the book to be a good look into the WH during the Obama Era and into Dorey-Stein's own life. I did get a little annoyed at times with Dorey-Stein's failure to see that her relationship with "Jason" a man 10 years her senior and a "higher up" in the White House would make her job suffer in the long run. I guess that we all make some choices that backfire on us in life that we end up learning from.

The book is written well, is filled with humor, stress, happiness, and compassion from President Obama through his speeches that Ms. Dorey-Stein transcribes. There are also some really good stories about Dorey-Stein's friendships at the WH, and relationships with her family. I enjoyed reading From the Corner of the Oval.