A review by hijinx_abound
The New Guy by Kathryn Freeman


**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
This book had a promising start. A grumpy Gus meets a bit of sunshine in a bar. She’s lost her grandad and he’s questioning his life choices whilst being a very unfriendly prickly pear. But there is a spark. They hook up and part ways in the morning only to discover that he is her new boss.

This book just did not work for me. The leads had no chemistry. They were both trying way too hard. She to be sunshine-y and yet smart. He to be an ass because his life has sucked. I did not believe that they were irresistible to me another.
His issues from the past overwhelmed him. The work dynamics were a little off and I did not believe that they were working on an app. The constant abruptness would not have made him an easy employee to keep.
Unfortunately, none of the story worked for me. I hate giving low ratings on ARCS but in this case, there is no other choice.