A review by hobbitfreddie
Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology by Keith Chow, Parry Shen, Jeff Yang


My actual rating would be 2.5. I like the idea of this anthology, basically Asian American cartoonists telling stories they wanna tell. Also some of stories are loosely connected which is cool! It’s a clever idea for an anthology.
However even though this anthology has a lot of stories none of them really made me go “wow!”. Most of the stories just feel like a miss. Most of them just feel too short. Either they go nowhere or just feel like an intro to the character. Not many of them left an impact.
I think the parts that tackled politics and race were probably the strongest and most interesting. I found the more generic superhero stories weaker and more of the cartoonist showing their cool character.
I don’t usually read comics from the 2000’s. Idk why I just read what I can find usually. This one’s from 2009 iirc, feels very much like something from that era idk how to describe it. Also Obama appears.
I think my favorite stories were probablh Trinity (liked the art style), A Day at CostumeCo (fun story also very much a 2000’s comic), and The Blue Scorpion and Chung (good short story and uses the short length well)
Anyways interesting concept but most of the stories weren’t anything to write home about.