A review by beth_books_123
The Thieves of Ostia by Caroline Lawrence


I MISSED the moment they found out who the murderer was - 5*

I'm upping it to 5* because honestly the children adored it and were hooked.

Perfect opening book for the start of the academic year!
My first read for the 2020-2021 academic year - 4*

I'm planning to read all the books that I will teach over the 2020-2021 academic year this summer and I'm starting with my first book with my first topic. We won't be starting this straightaway as we have a Recovery Curriculum to teach... For I Am Warrior, we will be reading this.

I will read it again before I read it with the children as this will be used for both guided reading and a novel study so I'll have to actually plan for that. (I will end up reading this book a minimum of three times.) I really enjoyed the mystery side of it and I hope the children will too. It is actually really surprising to have the Christian/Catholic values woven into this story as well. I'm looking forward to teaching it.

Parts of the book I think will be difficult with children - the word 'bitch', the fact a dog is actually getting beheaded and the bereaved father who drinks too much and jumps off a lighthouse.