A review by ajith_wordshaker
Mahashweta by Sudha Murty


Racism, the term we used to hear from the westerners, who hates the ones who were darker than them. But this term exists all over the world in a different name and feature. In India, people with dirty mindset who thinks some disease as curse of god and isolates people, this is also dangerous than Racism. India is unfortunately the birth place of people with this kind of mindset.
Mahasweta, even if it is a fictional story of a woman who affected with Luekoderma, it actually tells the real story of 1000s of individuals with Luekoderma or similar conditions.
Sudha Murty beautifully portraits the life of a girl and how her life changes drastically with a mere pigment change in her skin. For a female, marriage and giving birth is not the ultimate objective. She needs to be independent without the help of men. Anupama, despite of all her setbacks she tried to be Optimistic and lives a life which inspires many.