A review by wren_in_black
Comment Comprendre Israël En 60 Jours, Ou Moins by Sarah Glidden


How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less is an incredibly thorough graphic memoir of Sarah Glidden's birthright trip to Israel. Sarah is Jewish, but she's far from a Zionist and mostly believes that she sides with the Palestinians in "their situation". The artwork Sarah uses to illustrate her thoughts and her journey is simple and beautiful.

From the back of the book: "At the same time, ISRAEL is a sensitive, deeply thoughtful and personal examination of a highly charged issue, an account of a journey Sarah never expected to take. Her experience clashes with her preconceived notions again and again, particularly when she tries to take a non-chaperoned excursion into the West Bank. As she struggles to "understand Israel," Sarah is forced to question first her beliefs, then ultimately her own identity."

I learned so much about Israel that I never knew I didn't know from this book. I've become very interested in Kibbutz life and of the early Zionist movements and of daily life in the Holy City. I know the perfect student to give this book to next and that's always a wonderful feeling to have as a teacher.

Pick up a copy of this. It'll take you the same amount of time to read as any typical novel. It'll be time well spent.