A review by bookstorian
Ghost Empire by Richard Fidler


My first ever audio book complete!

When I first purchased this book, well over a year ago, I was slightly disappointed as I really thought this was a fictional story. When I picked it up, it just wasn't the time to read it.

When I discovered it existed as an audio book I thought it would be a perfect way to start the day. I adored listening to Richard's voice for at least 2 weeks during my commute to and from work. He is an Aussie Rick Steeves in my opinion. In addition to starting my day, I have learnt so much about the Roman Empire, one that intrigues me to this day. There were certainly shivers when Richard speaks about the landmarks and artefacts of Rome which I have visited myself (including the statue of Constantine at the Capitoline museum and the Colosseum).

I did get a little lost and zone out during the stories which involved war, which is usually the part of history I find the most boring. I could keep track regardless as Richard usually goes off in tangents and then back again.

I lived for the little tid bits about the introduction of the fork, the growing of silk in the west, how the image of an angel came about and the double headed eagle.

It's such a same that modern Constantinople (Istanbul) is so very unsafe at the moment for travellers. It is so richly clad in ghosts and their stories. I think it is really unfortunate that many people do not know the glorious history of the Byzantium empire.