A review by readsomemorekatie
Vault by Tate James


The super secret, much denied, Madison Kate novella.

Seriously, I had no idea if it really had been written until I woke up and saw it in my email yesterday with no rhyme, reason or warning. Of course I dropped everything and ignored all adulting until it had been read.

This novella was packed full of all of the things I love and miss about the Madison Kate series. Her sass, her obsessive love of coffee, and those three hot men she has doing whatever bidding she chooses.

The inspo for my edit came from the very first paragraph of the book. (And we know MK wouldn’t waste coffee so back into the pot it goes.)

“We’d only been at this safe house a couple of days, but I had yet to find a coffee mug bigger than eleven ounces and Steele had given me a hard look when I’d pondered filling up a flower pot. Not that I actually would have... It had holes in the bottom.”

And don’t you worry your pretty little heads, there is more sex in this gem than should really be allowed. It is as hot as you’d expect. Damn, that MK is a lucky bitch. Steele is still everything, Kody is still a hot as sin golden retriever and I’m not gonna lie, Archer moved up a few rungs for me in this novella! (Don’t come at me Archer fans, I’m just a Steele girl, mmmkay?)

“Kody wove his fingers through mine and kissed my knuckles. “Just wait until you try the vending-machine canned coffee, babe. You’re going to love it.” “Or hate it,” Steele offered. “There’s no middle ground.” Archer leaned in close and kissed my neck. “I’m going to fuck your ass on the flight over, just so we’re clear.” Ugh, these boys. They spoke my love language unlike anyone else. Sex and coffee. “

My best buddy reader @hereforthesteam and I would randomly text each other “I forgot how much I’ve missed Madison Kate!” And it’s so true. There was no lack of mystery, plot and mayhem that you would expect from these four as well as some surprises.

*This should be read after you’ve finished Club 22 and Timber in the Hades series because of overlapping timelines that WILL spoil the Hades books for you if you haven’t read them.