A review by empress_extra
The Blackbirds by Eric Jerome Dickey


*Notice: The only spoiler mentioned in this review is about the ending of one of EJD's earlier works*

I have written to EJD often asking for closure from "Friends & Lovers" as it is my most favorite book. I hated the way Leonard and Debra's story ended and I needed some serious closure that I have begged him to give me and he finally relented. I couldn't be more satisfied or elated to be reconnected with Debra and to see how her life transpired after Leonard's death in "F & L". Besides that need being met, I really, I mean really enjoyed this book. Reading about black women learning from each other's life journey was very refreshing. This book is all the #friendshipgoals we dream about. Oh, and, the very last section titled "Ericka's Birthday" and the empty page that follows was genius. It allowed me to write my own ending which gave me my own satisfaction. Wow, this was just and awesome read and if you are a fan of EJD's work, I'm certain you'll feel the same way.