A review by peacockbookreviews
From the Shadows by G.R. Halliday


DI Monica Kennedy and her team set about solving a series of murders in the Scottish Highlands. Two young men have been murdered and left posed in remote places in the Highlands. The connection between victims is black stones left with their bodies.
Michael Bach is a social worker trying to find Nichol Morgan, a client. Michael seeks Monica's help.
I gave up on this book numerous times but did finish it. I found the frequent authors jibes about Monica being like a man, tall with big feet tiresome and unnecessary.
The formatting was appalling, inconsistent use of upper case letters, lack of spacing and at times switches between characters were unclear.
The plot was good, just very, very slow.
I thank NetGalley, Random House UK, Vintage Publishing and author G R Halliday for a copy of the book to review.