A review by seakosmos
My Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas


I am impressed and (pleasantly) surprised by this book! Not only is the story unique for taking place mostly in Asia (and also part of the time in London) and having a plethora of non-white characters, but it is also extremely compelling. After reading the first book with its intense build-up, I couldn't not race through this one to find out what happened to these characters.

Sherry Thomas does this wonderful thing with her love stories where she makes her characters genuinely, plainly LIKE each other. There is passion and attraction...but there is also respect and affection, and she writes it in a way that makes me sit back and grin. Her characters are curious and listen (with the exception of a few, but they are the antagonists for a reason). They enjoy learning about each other because they like each other as people. It shouldn't be so rare to have that in a romance novel, but (sadly) it is.

Additionally, her main female character is both physically and emotionally strong, but allowed to be feminine and need help - something that is also, unfortunately, rare. She is a strong character without being unrealistic. Just because she is a skilled martial artist doesn't mean she doesn't need (or like) to be taken care of sometimes. I appreciated that quite a bit.

Now, I'm going to go read my way through the rest of Sherry Thomas's books.