A review by pandemoniumpizza
Lost by Vivi Anna


I always love mysteries, especially mysteries involving psychics so it’s no surprise that I really enjoyed reading Lost.
As far as characterisation goes, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Kirsten but seeing her faults made her more real so I could forgive her for her faults. I liked that she was stubborn and didn’t want to give up on helping to find the missing girl even though her own father wants to put a stop to it.
The biggest part of the plot was the mystery and the more the mystery deepened the more I found myself interested in what was going on. I had a fair idea about who it was but I wasn’t 100% sure. The book had a little bit of a twist so that was pretty cool.
Not only is Lost a mystery but it has a smaller plot line about Kirsten and the relationships she had with people in the town of Bandit Creek. I found these parts to be quite good as well.
Overall, I enjoyed reading Lost. It was a fun little novella and a good mystery to read in a couple of hours out in the sun.