A review by hiking_pages
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Heaven,or How I Made Peace with the Paranormal and Stigmatized Zealots and Cynics in the Process by Corey Taylor


Warning: Fan-girling ahead!

Corey Taylor's second book discusses his fervent belief in the paranormal and summises his personal explanations as to what ghosts or spirits 'are'. Intrigued? You will be..

'A Funny Thing...' cleverly mixes Taylor's very own special blend of pseudo intelligent writing with his below-the-belt humour and opinionated ranting. If you are a fan of his work, his music or his personality, you.will enjoy hearing about his experiences with the paranormal, particularly The Mansion chapter, though it does read like a 'who's who' in the Hollywood Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. If you are intrigued by the subject of the book, I urge you to read with an open mind, at the heart of the book, are some creepy stories and interesting theories, many of which mirror my own thoughts on the paranormal, as someone who falls fervently into the 'agnostic' category.

I found Taylor's second book a brave choice, once more he gives just enough of himself to satisfy the fan base, whilst securing himself as an interesting, if slightly mad, anti-celebrity with a good story to tell and an amusing and touching way of telling it.