A review by saintdoormatius
The Way Into Chaos by Harry Connolly


A real treat of a book, which leaves you desperate to start the next entry in this trilogy. Connolly treats his readers very well: he doesn't think we're stupid, doesn't over-explain, knows when to let actions speak volumes, and has complex female and male characters. In fact, he does that one thing that (mainly) horror writers know: any character can die. This makes the suspense in the book truly suspenseful, right up until the very last page.

I'm not a well-versed fantasy reader (more of a sci-fi buff), but some of the ideas he presents here are really compelling. The consequences for magic use are really fascinating, and make the inclusion of these "gifts" in this world not just useful but dangerous. And, I confess, but the touch of sci-fi elements (portals to other universes, mysterious aliens) really helped grab my attention, and is in no way out-of-sync with the tone.

If you have been looking for a page-turning, meaty, thoughtful read, I encourage you to check this one out. Then I dare you to NOT immediately start the second book in the series.