A review by themelodyofspring
Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson


Why you should read this novella, a summary:

- You wanna see someone use a Shardblade as something other than a blade?

- You wanna see the protagonist fall face first onto the ground (literally) and use Stormlight to slide across the ground so as not to hurt her face?

- You wanna see an exasperated Spren trying to dissuade its assigned human from trying to do foolish things?

- Do you wanna see a cool kid fight a Herald, and steal his breakfast?

- Do you just wanna see someone steal food for a 100 pages and use it as motivation to keep doing more stupid things?

Then yes, read this book. You won't regret it! Even if it has no Kaladin or Dalinar, you'll keep on reading!!!

P.S. Szeth shows up so read it