A review by badseedgirl
A Hat Full of Sky (Discworld, #32; Tiffany Aching, #2) by Terry Pratchett


One of the things I like best about Terry Pratchett is his ability to make what seems to be nothing going on seem interesting and exciting. This is especially true in this novel. A Hat Full of Sky is the 2nd Tiffany Aching novel in the YA Discworld series, and I am falling more in love with her with each book. Tiffany is your everyday sort of girl who happens to be a witch, or at least training to be one. I just love how Mr. Pratchett is able to make the everyday task of caring for ones neighbors into a magical quality.

Now he does delve into deeper topics if the reader wishes to delve. The nature of evil and how much of ones personality is made up of societies and our own perception of what we are. I am looking forward to seeing how Tiffany is able to handle her growing powers and the responsibility of her "wee free men".