A review by thereistime
Depth by Lev AC Rosen


*I recieved this book free via Goodreads First Reads*

I loved this book, not so much for the plot, which was good and had some really great twists, but for the world building and depth of the characters.
The new New-York, mostly buried under the ocean, felt so real to me, like it was actually what New-York was now. There was obviously a lot of thought behind the 'disaster' that left New-York drowned, and the description was so clear that I had no trouble seeing exactly what the author wanted me to.
Every single character in this book had a story, they were all three-dimensional and felt like real people, even the characters that only showed up for a page or two. It's rare that you find a book that has so much thought put into the world and the people inhabiting it.
The actual story wasn't as amazing as the world, though I still enjoyed it and found myself desperate to know 'whodunit'.
Overall an absolutely fantastic read.