A review by jhumbles
No More Bad Dates: A romantic comedy of love, friendship . . . and tea by Kate O'Keeffe


I think this book did okay.
It had a nice storyline that I was interested in finding out more about. I found this to be generally entertaining to read, though there were times when I did skim certain details, particularly of the High Tea places mentioned. There was only so many times I could read the food/decor descriptions...

Another thing that put me off was how the main character would often talk to the reader like you were her friend. It felt a little cringey and unsubtle, too much like it was giving you all of the information, instead of making you work things out for yourself.
‘It’s strange, but our fingers hooked together feels somehow right, like they fit. See? I said it’s strange.’
It probably works for some but it was too much for me.

Overall, an enjoyable book but not too much going on to keep me hooked. I mainly kept reading to find out how Jason and Sophie got together (because it was obvious that they were going to - not that that’s a bad thing).

X Cringey inner dialogue
X Unsubtle information drops
X Too many restaurant/cafe related descriptions
:) HEA
:) Interesting storyline
:) Jason