A review by unapologetic_romantic
The Barrier Between by Stacey Marie Brown


The Barrier Between starts off pretty much where City in Embers finishes, give or take a few minutes.
After a barely there escape at the end of book one, book two is quick to spring into action. Zoey and Ryker find themselves miles away, in a different country in fact, from the groups gunning for them. Zoey and Ryker, and not forgetting Spring, can now focus on the task at hand, getting Ryker's powers back, but to do that, they'll need help, but more on that later.

The first half of this book is where Zoey and Ryker's relationship finally gets where we've all been dying for it to go. Together and (relatively) safe, they hole up in a little flat in sunny South America where the temperature isn't the only thing getting hot and humid. After many pages of awkward moments and Zoey's stomach being invaded by giant birds of prey, the two of them finally wizened up and jumped each other's bones.
I'm not going to say that I wasnt ridiculously happy that those two bone-heads finally stopped denying what we all wanted, but with all that happiness, something has to go wrong right? I mean, come on, we're only half way through the book!

According the Ryker, to get his powers backs, they'll need the help of a powerful Shaman, and not just any ol' shaman. To find the guy they need they start scouring the surrounding area for any fae that might have a clue as to his whereabouts; in strides Croygen - pirate/fae extraordinaire. With Croygen's help, Ryker and Zoey are lead to another fae, who can help them find their shaman. As I said earlier, something had to go wrong.
The fae that can lead them to the man they need, just happened to be Ryker's girlfriend (faefriend?) Amara - queue furious emotions towards Ms Brown for ripping apart my happiness!

With everything falling apart and her happy world splintering, Zoey's just not having a good week, and like with the first book, Zoey manages to ONCE AGAIN end up in the clutches of the SAME GROUP that kidnapped her and forced her into street fighting; the Avenging Angle makes another come back. Beaten, threatened and held hostage, Zoey's week just hit an all time low, thankfully it doesn't last for long. Just as the vicious group of fae after Ryker track down Zoey, she slips out of their clutches and back into the anxious, awkward, tension filled flat that's now home to five different fae (including Zoey) because while escaping the evil fae overlords, Ryker's powers shifted and became Zoey's powers, the thing that NONE OF THEM EVER WANTED TO HAPPEN.

Obviously for Ms Brown, enough to shit what's my already making its way to the fan, she needs to throw a whole bunch more. The groups of evil fae overlord, the vicious murderers coming after Ryker have made there way to the little village that the Duo, I mean Trio, or Quartet? Are staying and well, let's just say that my happiness level plummeted every further.
That being said, this is a must read! Anyway who loves badass fae, toe-curling romance and just really good story writing, DONT SKIP THIS BOOK!