A review by carina_shephard
The Beast of Talesend by Kyle Robert Shultz


First read 2019: 4/4.5 stars
Re-read 2021: 5 stars

After a rough week, rereading The Beast of Talesend was a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed it significantly more on the reread.

Notable Stuff:

-Cordelia is epic. I want to be like her when I grow up and casually throw rolls at people.

-Yay for fairytale twistiness!

-I haven't gotten to the third book in the series yet (deep sadness, and not for a lack of desire on my part!) but there was quite a few references that I picked up that are mentioned in blurbs for later books. Like the Dragon Delusion, which I'm almost certain is the name of another book? Will have to check.

-So many great lines. The humor is spot on.

- All the characters are unique and amazing. Crispin.. Cordelia... oh yeah, and Nick...*heart eyes* Even the villains are interesting. Speaking of which...

-That ending! Did not see that coming. Gave me chills.

-If you're like me on my first read through and mildly enjoyed this book but it's not on your Absolute Favorites list, go ahead and read the next book. The Tomb of the Sea Witch is even better, in my opinion.