A review by kellyhager
Redefining Beautiful: What God Sees When God Sees You by Jenna Lucado, Max Lucado, Jenna Lucado Bishop


Jenna Lucado and her father, Max, discuss issues (self-esteem, dating, modesty, abusive relationships, eating disorders, divorce) and how what girls need is a good relationship with their father.

Because not every girl has this, she discusses how the father-child relationship (especially the father-daughter one) is meant to mimic the relationship that God has with each of us.

There are Bible verses and prayers, but also personal stories (the ones Max shares are reprints from his books) and that keeps this book really relatable.

Another way it's relatable is the references Jenna makes. For example, she compares possible relationships with God to Facebook relationship statuses ("in a relationship" means you're doing what God wants you to do and following Him and "it's complicated" means...well, I bet you can guess. Hint: it's not good.)

I'm not the target audience (it's really geared towards teenage girls) but I think it'll be really valuable. One of the best lessons, of course, is how society's definition of beautiful is not a good one. (Hence the title.)